
Akiko Isobe

2023年 7月 28日

8月 13日


SOM GALLERY is pleased to announce the solo exhibition by Akiko Isobe "Identity" at BakuroYokoyama.

Isobe works in the field of advertising photography, focusing on portraiture and fashion.On the other hand, she produces photographic works that are positioned on the creative extension in advertising photography.
In this work, visual discomfort is applied to the intended iconography.At the same time, the artist has created a unique effect through the use of color and layout.
Through her photographic works, she reveals our ever-present tendency to see the projected surface.

Her message for this exhibition

"For example, a limited clear edition, a secret clear one in a capsule toy, or something about the transparency that was appropriate to create a special feeling, that was magical in my childish mind.It would be nothing short of magic to be able to see through the surroundings.
When it is submerged in water, it disappears and is gone, but the substance is there.
I became fascinated by what a profoundly mysterious object it was. Such things are somewhat like faith.
When we grasp things visually, we know that transparent objects are seen through because the objects around them are transparent, and we can grasp their existence.
It can be said that the world we see exists only because of the human eye.
Furthermore, it is no exaggeration to say that the world is not formed where it is not seen, and what lies behind it is rather uncertainty, such as a sign.
That's when the term "Identity" came to mind.I like to stuff around a bit.
We are born invisible, and we exist only when someone sees us.
I thought they would dress up and make their mark in order to make their individuality known.I am sure that the worlds we see individually will never intersect and no two worlds will ever be the same.
They are slightly different and may be totally different.It is because this world is really a mass of uncertainty.So when I photograph people or things, I photograph them as if they were objects of faith because I don't know better.”
(2023.7 Akiko Isobe)

She began her creative activities while a student at the Department of Imaging Arts and Sciences, Musashino Arts University.In 2000, she got a prize for the Philip Morris Art Award, and received the Toshiharu Ito Jury Prize at the Epson Color Imaging Contest.In 2001, her work was selected for the 18th "Hitotsubo Exhibition" of photography and attracted much attention.After graduating from the university, she began working as a freelance photographer. She has worked on magazines, CD jackets, and other advertisements.In 2010, she won the Shigeo Goto Jury Prize at the first Einstein Photo Competition.

Major solo exhibitions include "LANDMARK" (G/P gallery, Tokyo, 2018), 
"Dummy" (G/P gallery, Tokyo, 2016), "DINNER" (G/P gallery, Tokyo, 2015),"u r so beautiful." (GALLERY SPEAK FOR, 2013 / Guardian Garden, Tokyo, 2012). 
Major group exhibitions include KG+2022 "Extras in the Fog", Matsumoto City Museum of Art x Matsumoto PARCO "Parco de Museum", "Shubi x Arles
International Photography Festival Tokyo Woman New Real New Fiction. Major photo booksinclude "VIDEO LOOP" and "ALTER EGO" (private edition).


Installation View