Koga Miura
2024年 1月 12日
1月 28日

SOM GALLERY is pleased to announce the solo exhibition by Koga Miura "surrender", from 12th January to 28th January at Bakuroyokoyama. This exhibition, his first solo show at SOM GALLERY, will feature abstract paintings on canvases of various sizes.
In his paintings, organic objects do not appear, and they are composed of regularly overlapping linear colors. The purity of the line itself emerges by strokes to positions randomly determined by random numbers.
His production begins with the creation of direction using random number software.He assembles a random number of marks out of the canvas and works mechanically, connecting the dots with a specially made tool set at equal intervals. Paints overlap on the canvas, sometimes giving rise to unexpected colors, and color planes gradually come together to form a composition.
The layer of brush strokes increases the intensity of the colors that emerge from the places where lines collide with each other, and the layers create a depth in the painting that is unique to Miura's work.
Another characteristic of Miura's works is the absence of his own will.
The works, which are composed from the accumulation of mechanically tracing motifs determined by random numbers, are not primarily concerned with the subjective expression of the artist's thoughts, but rather are truly mechanical expressions dominated by coincidence.
In this exhibition, "surrender," he distances himself from paintings that organically manipulate specific objects, such as Cubist works, and challenges himself to create minimalist abstract paintings that are formed in a mechanical way.
Koga Miura was born in 1996 in Yamaguchi prefecture.
He completed a course of Cultural Design and Art Education Field, Kyoto University of the Arts, and based in Kyoto.
Major solo exhibitions include "Slow work", FOAM CONTEMPORARY (Tokyo, 2023), "come and go", DMOARTS (Osaka, 2022).
Major group exhibitions include "Untitled" SOM GALLERY (Tokyo, 2023), "MtK satellite Vol.2" MtK satellite (Aichi, 2023), "SOLO SOLO SOLO vol.6" biscuit gallery (Tokyo, 2023), "POLYPHONY" Aario Gallery Shanghai (Shanghai, Chaina, 2022), "ARTISTS' FAIRY KYOTO2022", THE MUSEUM OF KYOTO ANNEX (Kyoto, 2022) etc.
The exhibition features about twelve new paintings.
An opening reception will be held on Friday, 12 January at 18:00-20:00 at SOM GALLERY.
We look forward to seeing you at the exhibition.
Installation View